The Mastermind


Yes, I am ready!

You will be guided through powerful initiation steps to fully surrender to the Highest and to create from a deep place of Peace.

Through these initiations your perception of the world will change forever.



Welcome to this miraculous gathering for spiritual growth!



This powerful portal is a high frequency container to optimize, align and magnetize what you are already doing so that your work becomes a real movement.

This is a place where you can anchor your whole being into your very deepest core and allow the source of eternal life to pulse through you into the colours of the world.

In this program, you connect the different aspects of your life into one core. You surrender and dedicate yourself to co-creating with the Highest - letting it be the moving force in your life and business.

Your life and business become a true co-creation with the Source.


Oh, yes I want that!

What if you were living the best time of your life, blooming in your element & living your purpose 100% while helping others? 

What if you used your gifts and talents, lived in your genius & your work would truly have an impact?

What if you created from a deep connection to God & all your life lit up the Holy fire of your Spirit?

This is the vibe in our powerful gathering! ;)
This is my vibe as well!

Let me guess...


You have thought that living 100% in service is a difficult thing that only "special and chosen ones" get to experience... 

But you know that you can choose your highest timeline of becoming NOW.

All it needs is fierce courage, deep surrender, spiritual growth, and the readiness to LEAP.

If any of this sounds familiar... Please, keep on reading!!




That you came here to be a leader and there is nothing to fix. You are it all already.

You know that all the codes of your infinite creations are within.

You know that the only way to be truly fulfilled and live your life's purpose is to become the one who is embodying it all.

And yes, there are Great and Big things ahead. And you cannot wait to experience them.

And you also know if you continue the same way, you will keep yourself smaller than you truly are.

Now, I trust...

You landed here because YOU ARE READY to become a WALKING MIRACLE and be the Spirit-led Leader on Earth that have always known yourself to be.



  • Live and work as a walking miracle.
  • Act from a place of peace, instead of pushing.
  • Embody your fullest potential and expression.
  • Know who you truly are, what you are here to do, and own it.
  • Allow yourself to be big and be the leader that you came to be.
  • Value yourself and your work with every breath.
  • Be able to take actions that were never possible for you.
  • Experience spiritual growth like never before.

This is what you get when we open a Sacred Sanctuary together.

“Before I started working with Vera, I was wondering whether or not to continue my business. My business was “costing” me and my loved ones' well-being too much. In addition, I had just become a mother and I didn't know if I would be able to be a present and happy mother to my daughter while running a business. 

I was still on maternity leave when I said yes to work with Vera because I knew the only way to balance my business, motherhood and well-being would be to get help. I felt in my heart that Vera would be the right person to help me. 

We have now been working with Vera for three months and I am amazed at what has happened in that time. My life has changed completely. Not only have I found a light, heart-centred way to create a successful business, but I have changed radically as a person. 

With Vera, I have accessed the core wounds of inadequacy and being seen that used to make my work difficult. Now my nervous system is no longer in a constant state of emergency, but I have been able to cultivate a deep sense of security and self-worth that has made my work much lighter and more fluid. 

This has also translated into tangible results in terms of increased sales. This week something incredible happened when I sold my first premium priced coaching. I would never have been able to bring myself energetically in line with such sums on my own. 

Vera's work touches my heart deeply, as Vera's authenticity, love and wisdom shines through in every meeting and every message. I am so happy that I dared to say yes to this, even though the investment was quite high.I have now already made that investment back and the changes I have experienced in my thinking and life are many times worth the investment.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Vera!❤️✨"

Sandra from Finland

In this program...




✨ You stop doodling around without a clear vision and stop doubting yourself, your abilities and your mission.

✨ You will break limiting thought patterns and understand how they help you experience true freedom.

✨ Frustration turns into clear, practical steps that get you where you're going. You'll find true meaning for your mission on Earth.

✨ You will stop making decisions out of fear and scarcity and harness the power of soul-led leadership unapologetically.

✨ You will build a life and work that looks like you and is not a learned model from somewhere else.




What can you expect this program to give you?


✨ Expansion and spiritual growth as a human being to allow genuine happiness, real love, limitless bliss and abundance beyond your imagination. 

✨ You will see your life and your service on earth crystal clear, know your vision and take action steps together. 

✨ You know you are a walking miracle and you do your work with integrity and honesty for the Highest Good of All.

✨ You enter into a co-creation with God living your purpose. You'll activate the living transmission that you are.

 You will leap, not only once or twice but many times. 

✨ You stand in your power unapologetically, setting healthy boundaries straight from your heart and building new energetic standards.

... + so many other wonderful things that neither of us can even guess at yet!

My heart says YES!

"I started working with Vera to get clarity on my business and to crystallise my purpose and service. I knew that this this work will be much more than e.g. business strategies etc. This work has been a liberation for my soul. 🙏💛

While working with Vera I have grown to embody a next level frequency for myself. I have gained a lot of courage to express myself and try new things as a business owner. My confidence in life and my connection to the Highest have become stronger. Now I can feel my True Self. 

My vision has become clearer and that was one of the most important things I wanted from this work. I have received reflection, encouragement and practical tips to improve my business in different areas. 

Vera, I appreciate you very much and I am so grateful.  🙏"

Janita from Finland
Mentor, Yoga, NVC & CST

This program is for you if...


  • ... You are ready to drop all masks and thrive in raw & authentic beauty. 
  • ... you know you were born to bring greatness to this planet through your service but you are not sure what steps to take next.
  • ... you are ready for real quantum leaps in 2024.
  • ... you know you were meant for more than you are currently experiencing in your life in terms of living your purpose and true genius. 
  • ... you are not only looking for financial success but truly fulfilling success build from the inside out.
  • ... you are committed to give your 100% for your growth.
  • ... you are ready 100% create only with The Most High and for the Highest Good of All as well as live your fullest Service on Earth - without exceptions.
  • ... you are willing to invest time, energy and money in your growth.

    Note! This is not a strategic coaching for business owners. Here we focus holistically on who you are - the inner themes and mindset of leadership, business and life. As a result, your business blossoms and you might shift business strategies. 

Let me share a little more about the vibe of our gathering...

True transformation begins with a genuine connection to the One and Only, frequency alignment and mindset.

YOUR expansion and spiritual growth is the core of your spirit-led success.

Are you asking yourself and the universe, "How can I serve even more out of love and presence?" or "How can I embody an eternal relationship with God in my business?"

I am here to walk with you through this beautiful journey with you. I am the one who is reminding you of your Greatest Potential that is available to you NOW.

I am here to support your personal and business growth from a frequency perspective SO THAT YOU CAN BE AN EMBODIED MIRACLE while serving your clients and the whole Earth.


You are speaking my languge!

So good to meet you, I'm Vera


There is one sentence that has stuck with me since I was 19 as I migrated from Finland to Germany.

"The impossible is always possible. I just need to find the way."

Following this guideline, I have travelled the world while working for truly meaningful NGO’s and projects. I have followed my calling to be in the most powerful places on Earth to experience the Great Union with God himself. 
(*As I speak about God, it is not religion related.)

I have studied the most amazing subjects at University and graduated from various programs while doing only what I love and nothing else. I have worked with hundreds of people, helping them build true meaning, infinite happiness, bliss, love and success to their lives and businesses.

In the past years I have build a life and business that is a genuine prayer to the Divine. And: I have leaped, many many times. I want to support you to do the same. 

I have designed a life that has no limits in the expression of who I am and what I am here to do. 


"I came to this program because it answered the call of my soul. I wanted to deepen and understand who I really am, the core of my purpose and calling.

I also wanted to receive support and encouragement for my own life and business. 

This program has given me so much... I have become much more self-aware through Vera's inspiring way of teaching and her personal stories. I have learned to bring all the knowledge inside of me into practice in my life and business

I have received truly amazing guidance and support from Vera to live and my service. During this program I have created a whole new kind of soul-based business in co-creation with the Divine.

I have learned that at the root of all creation is Who I Am. The core of my calling is like a bubbling source of joy and peace that is always there and it flows through me. 

I have found myself to be a living, walking prayer of gratitude to Life."

Elsa from Finland
Spiritual Mentor and Cosmic Light Worker

ENTER THE GATHERING of powerful hearts...


It is time to be held by the Great Grace of God and create from a place of deep Inner Peace and Wisdom. 🕊️

Such beautiful creations want to express themselves through you. 


Are you ready?

"I came to this program because I felt stuck with my business. I wanted to have Vera as my mentor. After getting to know Vera, I quickly knew that she was the mentor for me. 

My challenge has been the fact that I am easily stressed at work and in relationships. I did not know how to run a business as a sensitive and emotional person. I've had a lack of drive and was stagnant in my business. I also needed to strengthen my own voice.

During this program I have become visible as my authentic self. Our wonderful and warm group in this program has helped me. 

I have been able to grow to embody my power and find my place in a group as well. I have learned to recognise boundaries and to cherish my own power in my work. 

Nowadays, my work is much lighter and I am more efficient. Listening to my own voice has become stronger. I've gained courage to take steps forward. 

I have learned to appreciate myself much more than before. 

Our group is filled with wonderful people and it is really rewarding to share my own things with others and to hear other’s experiences. 

Vera is a very warm, loving and supportive mentor. The support I have received has been amazing. Thank you for that!"

Aila from Finland
Energy Worker and TRE Instructor

What's inside the program?





  • This module is all about understanding where you are now and where do you want to be going in your wildest dreams.
  • You will clear old habits and patterns that slow you and your system down - keep you smaller than you are.
  • You will understand and clarify your dreams and decide very clear next steps to realize them.
  • Here we already start the step by step transformation process in a practical sense but also in your mindset towards real soul-led success.


  • This whole module is dedicated to bring your human part and your Spirit into Holy Union. it is all about you becoming the Wholeness that you are and owning it.
  • We will bring all parts of yourself together in the most harmonius way: The child (joy), the adult (responsibility) and your Self (inner knowing).
  • This module will support you to stand fully in your power and unapologetically own it.
  • In this module you will unlock the code of freedom that will change the whole perception of your life and work.


  • This whole module is all about understanding your gifts and tapping into the frequency of your true genius
  • You will bring all your knowledge and wisdom into one package - become an authentic expression of your Self.
  • I guide you through the initiation of offering your life and work to God - you will be reborn with a new consciousness of being fully in service.
  • You will learn to appreciate your unique expression of the One as you and though you. This will align your work with the Highest. 


  • Here we go even deeper and higher. I guide you to see your purpose, service and life from a Higher perspective for the collective.
  • You will learn how to be the leader that you were born to be and stand in that power with no exceptions.
  • I will help you to set healthy boundaries, new energetic standards for your life and take care of your frequency on a whole new level
  • In this module you understand the importance of stepping out of drama and stepping into God's Grace


  • This module is all about releasing past stories and memories of scarcity and lack
  • Learn how to see all of your past with the deepest gratitude, acceptance and compassion.
  • Step into a whole new consciousness of an infinite abundance.
  • Here we speak and activate also the codes on integrity so that your whole life and work is a living prayer to the One and Only


  • This module is all about having fun with the new consciousness of abundance.
  • I will take you though a step by step method building new foundations of sustainable abundance in your life and business
  • This module is your initiation to own the royal power that you carry inside and bring these codes to your life and work
  • In this module a new level of lightness and confidence will land in your embodiment as a leader on Earth.


  • Now that all the "ground work" is done, it is time to enjoy the tip of the eisberg!
  • Here we go all in understanding the concept of "The New Earth" even deeper. 
  • You will see clearly what is your service in the co-creation of the New Earth.
  • You will receive an initiation of your Highest Potential and Highest Abilities in the New Earth. 
  • Next steps after the program.

CONTENT of the Program


1) Seven learning modules
Videos, recordings, transmissions, guides and meditation journeys. You can do this in your own pace.

2) Two monthly video calls with the group
High quality calls with the group. Includes hot seat mentoring.

3) Exclusive Telegram Community
This is THE PLACE where the miracles happen - in your daily life supported by our amazing community!

Between the calls you are supported all the time. You will have access to personal mentoring from Vera in the group at least twice weekly. With the group, you'll never be alone with your questions. 

4) NEW: One day retreat ONLINE during our program. 

5) BONUS: Access to all my online courses and workshops during your time in this program.


Note! This program includes personal 1:1 mentoring with me inside the group but not in a way that only two of us are in the call. If you are looking for personal support for your growth, I recommend applying for 1:1 Private Mentorship  with me (this program is included in Private Mentorship).

Submit your application by sending an email to [email protected].

Let's go!!

Are you ready to leap?

Fill out a short form and then we'll schedule a call to get to know each other. 
In this relaxed call you can ask all your questions and we'll make sure that this Mastermind is a good fit for you.

New Earth Leaders Gathering - Three months


or 3 x $1100

  • Bi-weekly Zoom calls
  • Access to our exclusive Telegram Community
  • Access to 7 learning modules
  • All Programs launched in the duration your Mastermind
  • One day ONLINE retreat
  • 3 months together
Book a call here

New Earth Leaders Gathering - Six months


or 6 x $1000

  • Bi-weekly Zoom calls
  • Access to our exclusive Telegram Community
  • Access to 7 learning modules
  • All Programs launched in the duration your Mastermind
  • One day ONLINE retreat
  • 6 months together
Book a call here


This Mastermind is a space where you can dive deep into the mystery of life, and at the same time, take things forward in practice with lightness and ease.


You bring the most authentic version of yourself to the surface and with this you are a natural magnet for genuine success.

Sounds perfect!