Welcome, I'm Vera.
Since I was a child I have always followed the truth in my heart, whatever it asked of me. God has been guiding me in the most miraculous ways since my early 20's.
I am an international mentor and teacher. At the core of my work is the connection to God beyond the religious Spirit.
My mission is to support you to bloom in your true essence so that you can live a life of True Living Light and embodied Faith.
I walk in Christ and talk about your Identity in Him. With me, you can discover yourself as a new creation being, living a supernatural life in an intimate relationship with God.
I have helped several hundred people to live a life in genuine connection to God Most High. These people's lives have been transformed to more meaning, happiness and success straight from the heart.
I'd like to connect with you:
Instagram: @veraschmid_
Telegram: Grace Upon Grace