There is a reason why Vera is showing up in your life and why you have found her.

Definitely go on this journey!

I would recommend it to everyone who wants to expand into their true being, purpose and essence on this Earth.“


In the video below: 
What Melissa loved about working with Vera, her biggest takeaways working over 8 months together, in which ways did she feel supported in with Vera and major shifts through this work together.

Melissa Jäckle
sternenmensch.de & urkraftincenses.com


"If you are thinking to work with Vera, the first thing that comes to my mind is:


In the video below: 
What Janita loved about working with Vera, her biggest takeaways working over 6 months together, in which ways did she feel supported in a 1:1 and a group program with Vera and her major realizations on a spiritual level. 

Janita Lavonen

"We have now been working with Vera for three months and I am amazed at what has happened in that time. My life has changed completely. Not only have I found a light, heart-centred way to create a successful business, but I have changed radically as a person. 

With Vera, I have accessed the core wounds of inadequacy and being seen that used to make my work difficult. Now my nervous system is no longer in a constant state of emergency, but I have been able to cultivate a deep sense of security and self-worth that has made my work much lighter and more fluid. 

Vera's work touches my heart deeply, as Vera's authenticity, love and wisdom shines through in every meeting and every message. I am so happy that I dared to say yes to this. I have now already made that investment back and the changes I have experienced in my thinking and life are many times worth the investment.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Vera!❤️✨"

Sandra Ollgren from Finland
Mentor for Women

"I wanted to have Vera as my mentor. After getting to know Vera, I quickly knew that she was the mentor for me. 

My challenge has been the fact that I am easily stressed at work and in relationships. I did not know how to run a business as a sensitive and emotional person. I've had a lack of drive and was stagnant in my business. I also needed to strengthen my own voice.

I have been able to grow to embody my power and find my place in a group as well. I have learned to recognise boundaries and to cherish my own power in my work. 

Nowadays, my work is much lighter and I am more efficient. Listening to my own voice has become stronger. I've gained courage to take steps forward. 

I have learned to appreciate myself much more than before. Vera is a very warm, loving and supportive mentor. The support I have received has been unimaginable. Thank you for that!"

Aila Keränen from Finland
Energy Worker and TRE Instructor

"I've worked with Vera for 1,5 years now. She has helped me with a very difficult and important professional change and gave me so much courage to go a new way. I really appreciate her calm and empathetic nature, as well as the safe space she creates. 

For years I felt stressed in my work, often forced myself and had health problems. Through Vera I gained the confidence to follow my heart, stay in love and radiate from within what I want to bring into the world and what I want to help people with. 

Vera has helped me to recognize and let go of my old patterns and beliefs. It certainly has not been easy, but I have felt so taken care of... I feel more free and more grounded and the new path is opening up. It is a beautiful and fascinating journey with Vera."

Claudia Adam from Germany
Alternative Healing Therapies


"This has enriched my work and my life so much that it is impossible to put it into words. My soul has come alive for the first time!"

Through this work, I was able to move through big blockages in my life where I was for years. I now have the courage to share my talents and gifts with people and I appreciate myself and my work much more.  

With Vera, I really became an adult and by that I mean that I now take full responsibility for my life and living my purpose.

Through our work, I feel a clear connection to the Spirit and at the same time I can greatly appreciate being human. I am able to understand really deep spiritual connections and perspectives that I could not before."

Julia Geyer from Germany
Women's Circles and Shamanic Work


"Working with Vera has been really valuable and holistic. When you have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and find a mentor who guides you to the point where you find your own self-worth and love for yourself, I can say that working with Vera has been priceless and the best gift to myself.

I found my True Self in this work with Vera. Thank you Vera for being my mirror and a sister to me. And our journey continues."

Miia Hakkarainen from Finland
Energetic Hairdresser and Healing Practitioner



"Now, I dare to sing my soul song freely!❤️

Vera as a mentor has been a gift to me. A journey deep into myself that has touched me. I've grown me as a person on many levels. I feel this all extends to my spouse and family as well, as everything is interconnected.
Vera and I have had a strong connection from the beginning, which has only deepened and expanded. There is an unconditional and pure space when you work with Vera.

With Vera, I have discovered new levels of myself as a human being. Together we have created a deep trust in my own gifts to help people and all of creation in this time.
Deep gratitude for this journey will always remain in my heart ❤️."

Annikki Määttä from Finland
Healing Practitioner and Singing Bowls



"I have learned to be kind to myself and appreciate what I am right now.

I have learned to deal with conflict situations in a more constructive way, to stay more in my own power and to trust life and my potential. I have learned to listen to my body and its messages: I am now more sensitive to my body in situations where something doesn't feel right, or a strong emotional state prevents me from taking action.

As a result of this work with Vera, I now feel more grateful for my clients and the work I can do with them to free their own voices. I have a greater appreciation for both myself and my work. In particular, through Vera's example, I learned to meet my clients as myself, not from behind the role of expert and titles.

I am grateful to Vera for everything I gained from this work together. Thank you Vera for all your support and help, it was a great pleasure to work and grow with you!"

Liisi Pettersson from Finland
Voice Coach and Singer



"I am eternally grateful for this work.

After seeing Vera's transmission, I knew immediately that she was the right mentor to help me move forward. Mentoring brought me back to my core and my sacred service on this planet.

It was a deep journey into myself and found the path to confidence and heart-centered entrepreneurship.

The best thing about mentoring was Vera's genuine caring, understanding and walking by my side. I felt that I could become visible with all my weak sides and at the same time Vera encouraged me with loving certainty to remember my highest potential.

This work helped me to find inner alignment and a solid foundation in life and respecting my feminine energy and flourishing in it!"

Hanna-Leena Hakola from Finland
PureLoveCoaching for women


"I started working with Vera because it answered the call of my soul. I wanted to deepen and understand who I really am, the core of my purpose and calling.

I also wanted to receive support and encouragement for my own life and business. 

This work has given me so much... I have become much more self-aware through Vera's inspiring way of teaching and her personal stories. I have learned to bring all the knowledge inside of me into practice in my life and business

I have received truly amazing guidance and support from Vera. I have learned that at the root of all creation is Who I Am. The core of my calling is like a bubbling source of joy and peace that is always there and it flows through me. 

I have found myself to be a living, walking prayer of gratitude to Life."

Elsa Kesti from Finland
Spiritual Mentor and Cosmic Light Worker

"I started working with Vera to get clarity on my business and to crystallize my purpose and service on this planet. 

While working with Vera I have grown to embody a next level frequency for myself. I have gained a lot of courage to express myself and try new things as a business owner. My confidence in life and my connection to the Highest have become stronger. Now I can feel my True Self. 

My vision has become clearer and that was one of the most important things I wanted from this work. I have received reflection, encouragement and practical tips to improve my business in different areas. 

Vera, I appreciate you very much and I am so grateful. 🙏"

Janita Lavonen from Finland
Mentor, Yoga, NVC & CST


"I was really imbalanced and scared in my life when I started working with Vera. I didn't trust my own decision making or myself. I was quite lost about what I was and who I was.

I only saw scary possibilities when in reality there were only doors that gave me more love than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams.

Working with Vera was so enjoyable and so authentic. I felt accepted for exactly who I was and was able to come out with things I hadn't dared to talk to anyone about. The work was relaxed and at the same time well-structured, which I really appreciate.

Now, I really KNOW who I am. I know what I want and what I came here to do. Decisions are made from the heart and out of love, so there is no need to question them.

I recommend to every soul to take the step that scares you the most. This coaching was the one that scared me the most."

Anssi from Finland


+ dozens of more stories from previous clients will be updated here soon...


More Testimonials...

"Thank You so much for this work! it strengthens my connection to God!! It's like keys again and again."

"Through the Blessing you gave me, a big blockage in my body was removed."

"When your words flow about God, it just lands so deeply and I often have goosebumbs."


If you are interested in working with Vera 1:1 or in a group, book a discovery call here. 

In this relaxed call you can experience more about her work in order to see if she can support you.